Kosice Budapest Transfer

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The Most Requested Transfers

Top transfers that are synonymous with comfort, reliability and safety. Our fleet and professional team of drivers are ready to ensure a smooth and comfortable travel experience.

Budapešť airport product
from 195€


Private transfer Kosice Budapest. The best transportation of people to the airport.

Budapešť airport product
from 215€


Private transfer Presov Budapest. The best airport taxi service.

Budapešť airport product
from 219€


Private transfer Humenne Budapest. The best airport transport service.

Budapešť airport product
from 219€


Private transfer Michalovce Budapest. Transportation of people to the airport.

Budapešť airport product
from 219€


Private transfer Trebisov Budapest. Transportation of people to the airport.

Budapešť airport product
from 225€


Private transfer Bardejov Budapest. Door to door transfer service.

Budapešť airport product
from 205€

Kosice okolie

Private transfer Kosice okolie Budapest. The best and affordable Door to door airport transfer service.

Budapešť airport product
from 219€

Presov okolie

Private transfer Presov okolie Budapest. The best transportation of people to the airport.

Kosice airport product
from 25€

Ride within Kosice

Kosice airport taxi. We will take you anywhere at anytime.

Kosice airport product
from 55€


Transfer to Kosice airport. Kosice Presov airport taxi at a bargain price.

Kosice airport product
from 115€


Transfer to Kosice airport. Kosice Humenneeairport transport service.

Kosice airport product
from 105€


Transfer to Kosice airport. Kosice Michalovce airport taxi for a best price.

Kosice airport product
from 105€


Transfer to Kosice airport. Kosice Trebišsov airport taxi for a good price.

Kosice airport product
from 115€


Transfer to Kosice airport. Kosice Bardejov airport taxi door 2 door service.

Kosice airport product
from 39€

Kosice okolie

Kosice airport taxi. We will take you anywhere within the Kosice area.

Kosice airport product
from 75€

Presov okolie

Transfer to Kosice airport. Taxi airport Kosice Presov surroundings for the best price.

Krakow airport product
from 209€


Private transfer Kosice Krakow. Convenient transportation of people to the airport.

Krakow airport product
from 205€


Private transfer Presov Krakow. The best transportation of people to the airport.

Krakow airport product
from 219€


Private transfer Humenne Krakow. Affordable airport transport service.

Krakow airport product
from 219€


Private transfer Krakow Michalovce. Taxi service for people to the airport.

Krakow airport product
from 229€


Private transfer Trebisov Krakow. The best transportation of people to the airport.

Krakow airport product
from 215€

Kosice okolie

Private transfer from Kosice to Kraków. Airport taxi service for the best quality.

Krakow airport product
from 209€

Presov okolie

Private transfer Presov to Krakow. A reliable airport transport company.

Krakow airport product
from 229€


Private transfer Bardejov Krakow. Convenient transportation of people to the airport.

Vienna airport product
from 339€


Private transfer Kosice Schwechat. The best transportation of people to the airport.

Vienna airport product
from 339€


Private transfer Presov Schwechat. Comfortable  transportation of people to the airport.

Vienna airport product
from 369€


Private transfer Humenne Schwechat. The best airport service for travellers.

Vienna airport product
from 365€


Private transfer Michalovce Schwechat. The best airport service on the market.

Vienna airport product
from 369€


Private transfer Trebisov Schwechat. A reliable airport service for people.

Vienna airport product
from 369€


Private transfer Bardejov Vienna - Schwechat. The best door to door transport service.

Vienna airport product
from 339€


Private transfer Kosice Vienna - Schwechat. The best airport transport service.

Vienna airport product
from 339€


Private transfer Presov Vienna - Schwechat. The best and affordable airport transport service.

Bratislava airport product
from 325€


Private transfer Kosice Bratislava. The best transport for affordable price.

Bratislava airport product
from 329€


Private transfer Presov Bratislava. Comfort and price from reliable transport company.

Bratislava airport product
from 365€


Private taxi Humenne Bratislava. The best transfer service for affordable price.

Bratislava airport product
from 359€


Private transfer Michalovce Bratislava. The best taxi service for affordable price.

Bratislava airport product
from 359€


Private transfer Trebisov Bratislava. The best taxi service on the market.

Bratislava airport product
from 359€


Private transfer Bardejov Bratislava. The best airport transport service on the market.

Bratislava airport product
from 329€

Kosice okolie

Private transfer Kosice Bratislava. The best airport transport service for affordable price.

Bratislava airport product
from 335€

Presov okolie

Private transfer Presov Bratislava. The best airport taxi service for affordable price.

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Our company offers

Professional drivers who know local conditions and speak multiple languages. We guarantee not only comfort, but also the efficiency and flexibility of all your trips.

kosice budapest transfer
Budapest Kosice transfer

Transfer to Budapest airport

This satellite airport serves as an important transport hub for the area of Eastern Slovakia, serving cities such as Kosice, Presov, Poprad, Michalovce, Humenne, Trebisov and their surroundings.

Carefree journey

No charges at the airport car park, for a vignette, or bothering your family and friends.

A popular choice

A permanent choice of hundreds of our clients who like to travel from this airport to all over the world.

Convenient passenger transport

Transfer Kosice Budapest price

Wondering how much does a private transfer to Budapest Airport cost? We offer affordable travel options divided into four categories. Kosice Budapest airport transfer has never been more affordable.

Low price

Affordable travel option without hidden extra charges with Kosice Transfer.

Payment options

Multiple payment options - cash, card or bank transfer.

transfer kosice budapest price private transport
transfer from Kosice to the airport Vienna, Krakow, Bratislava
Other popular destinations

Transport to airport Vienna, Krakow, Bratislava from Kosice

We provide comfortable and flexible transfer from Kosice to Vienna, Krakow and Bratislava airports. Our aim is to provide you with a smooth and pleasant journey from start to finish.

Departure at any time

Whether your flight departs at midnight or during the day, we are available 24/7.

Transfer anywhere

We will transport you anywhere within the EU. Long distance taxi - call us today.

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What did others say about us?

We are proud to provide a quality service and are even more pleased with the positive feedback from our satisfied clients.

Google hodnotenie 5 hviezdičiek

The driver arrived at the appointed time in a very clean vehicle. The ride was pleasant without any complications. I recommend for 5*.

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Professional approach, clean car, very nice driver, human approach. Punctuality of arrival, drinking mineral water in the car for free. Great satisfaction

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


I booked a transfer from Budapest airport to Kosice. Due to the start of the war in Israel, I had to change the pick-up time several times and finally cancelled the reservation. The amount was refunded in full.

transfer košice budapešť hodnotenie zákazníka


We were very happy with the service. The journey was pleasant also thanks to the chauffeur it went quickly. We highly recommend this company. Thank you for a pleasant journey.

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Excellent transportation, punctuality, safety, reliability. I highly recommend.

transfer košice budapešť hodnotenie zákazníka


Very pleasant and smooth ride and they saved my holiday when I booked a ride just 2 hours before departure 🙂

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Vodič prišiel v stanovenom čase na veľmi čistom vozidle. Jazda bola príjemná bez akýchkoľvek komplikácií. Odporúčam za 5.

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Profesionálny prístup, čisté auto, veľmi milý vodič, ľudský prístup. Presnosť pristavenia, pitie minerálky v aute zadarmo. Veľká spokojnosť

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Objednala som si transfer z letiska v Budapešti do Košíc. Kvôli začiatku vojny v Izraeli som musela niekoľkokrát zmeniť čas vyzdvihnutia a nakoniec som zrušila rezerváciu. Suma bola vrátená v plnej výške.

transfer košice budapešť hodnotenie zákazníka


Boli sme veľmi spokojní s touto službou. Cesta bola príjemná aj zásluhou šoféra to ubehlo rýchlo. Veľmi odporúčame túto firmu. Ďakujeme za príjemnú cestu.

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Výborná preprava, dochvíľnosť, bezpečnosť, spoľahlivosť. Vrelo odporúčam.

transfer košice budapešť hodnotenie zákazníka


Veľmi príjemná a plynulá jazda a ešte mi k tomu zachránili dovolenku keď som si objednal jazdu len 2 hodiny pred odchodom 🙂

spokojný zákazník a jeho hodnotenie


Interesting Information

Enjoy exclusive, tailor-made transportation with guaranteed price transparency and easy booking. Our private transfers provide comfort and style that exceeds expectations.

Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport

The quickest, the most economical and the most comfortable way to get from Kosice to Budapest Airport is with KosiceTransfer. The nearest satellite airport for eastern Slovakia ideal for travellers from Presov, Michalovce, Trebisov, Vranov nad Topolov, Humenne or Spisska Nova Ves.

Book your trip with KosiceTransfer across Europe

Speed is important to us, we will be able to tell you almost immediately if the transfer is possible. With our wide range of vehicles in different categories we can transport you Anywhere, Anytime.

Airport, train or bus station and hotels

No problem for us, we have an overview of all airports and transport hubs around Kosice and Presov. With us even within Kosice! We will transport you to Kosice Airport, Bus or Train Station. If you need a taxi from Hotel Yasmin, Hilton, Kosice Hotel or any other address, please call our hotline +421 950 370 928.

We also offer transport to these airports - Vienna (Schwechat), Krakow, Bratislava, Debrecen

We also provide comfortable and reliable transportation to Vienna (Schwechat), Krakow, Bratislava and Debrecen airports. With us you will experience a carefree journey to your flight, whether you are travelling for business reasons, on holiday or to visit your family.

Medzinárodné airport Ferenca Liszta Budapešť

Preprava z Košíc na airport Budapešť najrýchlejším, ekonomickým ale aj komfortným spôsobom práve s KosiceTransfer. Najbližšie satelitné airport pre východné Slovensko ideálne pre cestujúcich z miest Presov, Michalovce, Trebisov, Vranov nad Topľov, Humenne či Spišská Nová Ves.

Zarezervuj si svoju cestu s KosiceTransfer v rámci celej Európy

Rýchlosť je pre nás dôležitá, takmer hneď Vám dokážeme prezistiť či je možné transfer zrealizovať. S našou širokou paletou vozidiel rôznych kategórií Vás dokážeme prepraviť Kdekoľvek a Kedykoľvek.

Airport, Vlaková či autobusová stanica a hotely

Pre nás žiadny problém, máme prehľad o všetkých letiskách a dopravných centrách v okolí Košíc. S nami aj v rámci Košíc! Prepravíme Vás na Košické airport, Autobusovú či Vlakovú stanicu. Ak hľadáte taxi z Hotela Yasmin, Hilton, Kosice Hotel alebo z inej adresy zavolajte na našu infolinku +421 950 370 928.

Ponúkame aj prepravu na airport Vienna (Schwechat), Krakow, Bratislava, Debrecen

Poskytujeme aj pohodlnú a spoľahlivú prepravu na airport vo Vienna (Schwechat), Krakov, Bratislava a Debrecen. S nami zažijete bezstarostnú cestu k vašemu letu, či už cestujete z pracovných dôvodov alebo sa chystáte na dovolenku, či za rodinou.

košice budapešť transfer výhody

We provide the best prices on the market, if it is a group all the better price for a person

košice budapešť transfer výhody

4 vehicle categories available (Economy, Comfort, Premium and XL)

košice budapešť transfer výhody

No hidden fees, easy booking that only takes a few minutes

košice budapešť transfer výhody

We provide free consultation and transportation scheduling

košice budapešť transfer výhody

Transport to Krakow, Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Debrecen and other airports from Kosice, Presov and other cities.

košice budapešť transfer výhody

Possibility to use our services for corporate transfers, weddings and celebrations

Bratislava transfer

You can also find us in Bratislava

You can find our services in Košice and Bratislava, where we provide transport to all airports in the vicinity. Use our rich experience in the field of transport for your satisfaction.