Looking for partnership?

Cooperation with us

We offer attractive private transfer partnerships for influencers, travel agencies, media, companies or sports clubs looking for excellence and quality in the transportation of their clients, employees or members.

company policy and colleagues

What cooperation options do we offer?

Please select what kind of cooperation you are interested in.

travel agency
Travel Agencies
Schools, Clubs, LC
business cooperations
Business cooperation

Travel agencies

Add our private transfer service to your offer and ensure your clients travel at the highest level.

Travel Agencies

Are you a travel agency looking for a reliable private transfer partner to provide your clients with a first-class travel experience? Our company is here for you, we offer customizable and comfortable transfer solutions that will guarantee your clients a safe and comfortable ride.

travel agency agent with clients


We offer premium private transfer services that are ideal for group tours, providing individual attention and customization to each traveler. With us, every trip will be not just a journey, but a true experience.

castle in the nature


We provide first-class transportation solutions, from airport to hotel, with a guaranteed focus on comfort and reliability. Working with us means that your clients experience a seamless transition between each stage of their holiday, while you can focus on delivering an unforgettable holiday experience.

holiday on tropical island

Cooperation with Influencers

Our company offers influencers attractive partnership opportunities, including access to exclusive offers and promotions.


Our company offers influencers attractive partnership opportunities, including access to exclusive offers and promotions. As an influencer partner, you'll have the opportunity to share your experiences with our services, not only expanding your content portfolio but also providing your followers with inspiration.

influencer with a camera


Looking for an exciting story or exclusive content for your media? Our company offers the media unique opportunities to collaborate on private transfers. Discover with us the stories behind our services, delve into the world of private transfers and bring something special to your readers or viewers.

many media present

Affiliate Program

Take advantage of our Affiliate Program, where rewards await everyone who recommends our private transfer services. It's simple: share, recommend and earn commissions. Let's join forces and create a strong relationship based on mutual sharing and growth.

handshake as a sign of completed deal

Schools, clubs, LC

We provide transport services for schools, sports and other clubs, leisure centres or other organisations.


Our company provides private transfers tailored to the needs of schools and educational institutions. We offer safe, comfortable and flexible transport solutions for school groups, whether it be day trips, sports tournaments, international excursions or any school event where quality transport is required.

transfer services for schools

Various Clubs

Our company provides customized private transfers for a variety of clubs - from football, hockey and basketball to dance, tennis and golf clubs. We offer safe and comfortable transportation for teams, members, players and fans to games, tournaments and training camps.

transfer for clubs

Leisure Centers

For leisure centres we offer cooperation in the field of transport services. Give your members the opportunity to travel to trips, workshops and cultural events with maximum comfort and safety. Our services are tailored for group travel and guarantee smooth organisation.

preprava pre centrum voľného času

Business cooperation

Corporate transportation services for your business. We offer reliable and customized solutions for all your business needs.


Our services are ideal for business meetings, conferences, employee transportation and corporate events where prestige and professionalism are key. With customized transfers, we ensure that your business trips, team outings and important meetings are conducted in style and comfort.

business transfer kosice

Firemné akcie

Úspešné Firemné Akcie – Či už plánujete teambuilding, konferenciu, večierok alebo jubileum, my Vám pomôžeme vytvoriť podujatie, ktoré bude nielen úspešné, ale aj nezabudnuteľné. Naše služby poskytujú diskrétnu prepravu, zabezpečíme, že všetci účastníci podujatia sa dostanú bezpečne domov.

corporate events transfer kosice

Služobné cesty

Obchodné a Firemné Cesty – Cestujte s Profesionalitou a Efektívnosťou. Naša spoločnosť je odborníkom na organizovanie obchodných a firemných ciest, poskytujúc kompletné služby, ktoré uspokoja všetky Vaše profesionálne požiadavky pre Vás a Vašich zamestnancov či obchodných partnerov.

business trips transfer kosice